Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY An Interdisciplinary Approach to Health


English One Rp. 320.000,00 Diskon 5% KHUSUS Mahasiswa DKI 
Product Description
Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach offers a critical examination of the biopsychosocial model of health and proposes the use of the ecological model as a more comprehensive explanation of health outcomes; both of which are unique approaches in a health psychology text.

The ecological model explores the impact of five systems on individual health outcomes: the individual (including physiology), the family/community, physical and social environments, healthcare systems and health policy. Unlike the biopsychological model which represents a combination of three fields—biology, psychology and sociology - the ecological model includes research and findings from medical anthropology, economics, ethnopharmacology, environmental studies, medicine and public health, in addition to biology, psychology and sociology. Thus, it offers a truly interdisciplinary approach to the study of health.

Finally, the text uniquely examines infectious diseases and chronic illnesses from a local, regional and global perspective. The diverse perspectives illustrate the roles of each of the five systems on health.

About the Author
Deborah Fish Ragin is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Montclair State University, as well as an Adjunct Associate Professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NYC where she is also involved in research.
ISBN : 9780132568579, Author : Ragin, Publisher : Pearson - 2011, Dimensions : , Paperback : 528 pages

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