Davidson, Kring, Neale, Jhonson
English One, $38 Diskon 5% KHUSUS Mahasiswa DKI
Product Description
Abnormal Psychology 12th Edition, continues the tradition of giving students the opportunity to explore the latest theories and research in the field. It has been adapted to take into account UK/European examples in diagnosis and classifcation of mental illness, statistics on misuse of drugs and treatment as well as a fully revised chapter with European examples on legal and ethical issues.
As distinguished scholars and leaders in the field of Psychology, our author team continues to emphasize recent and comprehensive research coverage that has been the hallmark of the text. Significant new material correlated to the forthcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM5), included in every chapter. Abnormal Psychology emphasizes an integrated approach, showing how psychopathology is best understood by considering multiple perspectives, and how these varying perspectives can provide us with the clearest accounting of the causes of these disorders as well as the best possible treatments.
Created for the 11th edition, we continue to offer a powerful video series for your Abnormal Psychology course with 710 minute clips to show in class or for students to review outside of class to help understand the patients experience. Unlike other videos, these feature real patients′ and their families, in the context of their lives, describing symptoms from their own perspective. Each video provides concise information about the available treatment options.
As distinguished scholars and leaders in the field of Psychology, our author team continues to emphasize recent and comprehensive research coverage that has been the hallmark of the text. Significant new material correlated to the forthcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM5), included in every chapter. Abnormal Psychology emphasizes an integrated approach, showing how psychopathology is best understood by considering multiple perspectives, and how these varying perspectives can provide us with the clearest accounting of the causes of these disorders as well as the best possible treatments.
Created for the 11th edition, we continue to offer a powerful video series for your Abnormal Psychology course with 710 minute clips to show in class or for students to review outside of class to help understand the patients experience. Unlike other videos, these feature real patients′ and their families, in the context of their lives, describing symptoms from their own perspective. Each video provides concise information about the available treatment options.
ISBN : 9781118092415, Author : Kring, Publisher : John Wiley - 2012, Dimensions : 27.4 x 23.4 x 2 cm, Paperback : 656 pages
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